What Are the Signs of a Mentally Unstable Person?

Learn how to recognize the signs of a mentally unstable person and seek professional help on time from our We Level Up Palm Beach FL experts.

Unfortunately, many people use the term “mentally unstable” to belittle or dismiss someone’s feelings and behaviors. This is harmful because it stigmatizes people struggling with genuine psychological issues. When people say this in an insulting way, it prevents people from seeking the help they need. Be aware if someone you know seems different, cannot seem to manage their thoughts, or control their behavior—they might have difficulties with their mental health. These are the times when your compassion is most needed. Learn how to recognize the signs of a mentally unstable person, understand their behavior, and learn what you can do to help them.

Emotional Instability

Look out for mood swings. Your loved one could be very happy and energetic one moment, and become sad and irritable the next. These changes in mood happen fast and without any clear reason.

Also, your loved one might have intense emotional responses that don’t match the situation. You can see them crying over something small, like a mistake at work or an item they lost. On the other hand, they might not reach much when they lose their job, have a big argument, or other big events.

signs of a mentally unstable person banner image with a young woman holding her head

The emotional ups and downs will confuse you. Nevertheless, you need to be patient and understanding. Emotional instability might be linked to mental health issues, like borderline personality disorder or bipolar disorder. People who face these challenges often develop substance abuse disorder, too. This usually happens because they need a way to cope with their daily life.

However, drugs and alcohol are never the solution: people rather need your empathy. If a person needs professional help, it is best to opt for a dual diagnosis treatment in Palm Beach Florida. Here, they will get treatment that will address both problems at the same time which ensures better outcomes.

Behavioral Changes

Has your loved one started avoiding friends, family, or activities they used to enjoy? Don’t ignore it. If they start skipping social gatherings and give up on their interests all of a sudden—regard it is a sign they are struggling and need support.

Some behavioral changes can be harmful and self-destructive. They include reckless driving, drug or alcohol abuse. Very often, these behaviors are a cry for help. People do this to show that they have deeper issues and they want to solve them.

What can you do when you see these signs of a mentally unstable person? First of all, let your loved one know you are not here to criticize them. You are here to give them the help they need. The best thing you can do is get support from a mental health facility in Palm Beach FL. Here, they will join behavioral therapy. Sessions with therapists, both individual and group, will make meaningful improvements. It will help your loved one understand why they act the way they do and teach them healthier ways to cope with their emotions and stress. By working with a therapist, they can learn to manage their behavior and improve their overall well-being.

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Cognitive Issues

Problems with thinking are also among the signs of a mentally unstable person. Your loved one might:

  • Forget what they were doing in the middle of a task.
  • Have a hard time followıng conversations and often ask people to repeat themselves.
  • Miss appointments or misplace important items because they are confused and disoriented.
  • Make poor decisions because they can’t think clearly.
  • Not be able to speak coherently and jump from one idea to another while trying to explain something.

All this makes life hard for your loved one. When you identify these signs of a mentally unstable person, consider holistic treatment in Palm Beach. Holistic treatment takes a comprehensive approach to mental clarity and well-being. It addresses not just the cognitive issues but also the emotional, physical, and spiritual aspects of health. This might include therapies like counseling, mindfulness practices, and lifestyle changes to support overall mental health. By focusing on the whole person, holistic treatment can help your loved one achieve better mental clarity and a more balanced life.

A worried person sitting alone
There are various signs of a mentally unstable person.

Physical Symptoms

Sleep disturbances can be one of the signs of a mentally unstable person. A person struggling with anxiety, stress, or depression cannot relax easily, which can lead to insomnia.

The opposite can happen, as well: they might sleep too much. This sleep disorder is called hypersomnia and it is usually a way of escaping from emotional pain. A person who experiences these symptoms is likely to have low energy levels and trouble functioning normally during the day.

Physical signs of a mentally unstable person can also include significant changes in eating habits. Depressed people usually don’t have an appetite. They eat less than they usually would, which eventually leads to malnutrition and significant weight loss. It is not only because they don’t feel like eating. Poor mental health can cause nausea and other digestive issues. For some people, the opposite happens. Many people find comfort in food and indulge in overeating. While it might give temporary relief, overeating may cause weight gain and other health issues.

Self-harm and Suicidal Thoughts

If you realize that your loved one cut, burned, or hit themselves, be attentive. These are very risky behaviors. Why do people do this? Self-harm can provide a sense of relief or control. It shifts a person’s focus to physical pain and they forget about their emotional struggles for a few moments. Do not dismiss these actions and think of them as ways to seek attention. Self-harm is a cry for help, so if you notice such behaviors, approach your loved one with nothing but compassion. Listen to them, show them you understand them, and encourage them to seek help.

Self-harming behaviors can have fatal consequences and can also indicate a person might have suicidal ideation. This means that they are thinking or even planning to end their life. This is typical of people who feel as if they are a burden or see no reason to go on. There is deep despair behind suicidal contemplations, so be sure to be supportive. Your loved one may feel like their life will never improve. Be there, talk to them, and make them see that getting better is possible. Seek professional help, especially if they are in immediate danger.

Ryan Zofay forming a circle and hugging friends.

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Suicide Rates in Palm Beach County and Florida

Suicide was the tenth leading cause of death in the US in 2019. There were 47,511 in the US due to intentional self-harm. According to the Palm Beach County Community Health Assessment data, there were 3,427 suicides in Florida and 229 suicides in Palm Beach County.

These numbers show the urgent need for better mental health support. If you or your loved one is having thoughts of self-harm or suicide, please seek professional help right away.

A therapist listening to a patient who shows signs of a mentally unstable person
What are the signs of a mentally unstable person? Consult a professional therapist and learn more.

Paranoia and Delusions

Paranoid and delusional thinking are also signs of a mentally unstable person.

Your loved one might believe that people are out to get them. It may seem to them that people spy on them or talk about theır backs. Thinking this way makes it difficult for them to trust even close friends and family. Furthermore, they experience distress and feel like they need to protect themselves,and that makes them feel isolated and lonely.

Whan a person have delusions, they believe in things that are disconnected from reality. Even when presented with clear evidence that these beliefs are false, they keep believing in them. They might think or believe that:

  • They have special powers.
  • They are someone famous.
  • External forces control them.

Besides being signs of a mentally unstable person, paranoia and delusional thoughts may be symptoms of personality disorders or other mental health conditions. Paranoid personality disorder treatment involves therapy and, if needed, medication. For instance, cognitive-behavioral therapy will help your loved one figure out the distorted thought patterns. Once understood, these patterns can be changed and replaced with healthy ideas. Medication is used to reduce the intensity of paranoia and thoughts that are not based on reality.

Communication Difficulties

Does your loved one have trouble expressing themselves? It is also one of the signs of a mentally unstable person. They may struggle to find the right words or feel overwhelmed when trying to explain what they are experiencing. This can lead to frustration and misunderstandings. For example, they might withdraw from conversations or avoid discussing their emotions altogether because they find it too difficult to express themselves.

You might have trouble understanding your loved one. When they speak, they might change topics without connecting them and use words that don’t make sense. This will make it hard for them to communicate with people around them. This can make them embarrassed and frustrated. If you realize this, be patient and try to find a way to understand one another. Remember that they rely on your support, and contact us for professional help.

A person encouraging their loved one to seek professional help
If you recognize the signs of a mentally unstable person, show compassion. Your support can make all the difference.

Recognize the Signs of a Mentally Unstable Person and Seek Professional Support

If you notice any of these signs in your loved one, it’s important to encourage them to seek professional help. Early intervention can make a significant difference. Therefore, when you see the signs of a mentally unstable person, seek assistance right away. Mental health professionals will provide the support and treatment needed to address these issues effectively. Your understanding, patience, and encouragement will help your loved one take the first step toward getting the support they need. With professional help, there is hope for a better future.

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