Anxiety Disorder Treatment in Palm Beach FL

Find relief from anxiety disorders at We Level Up Palm Beach Florida. Our expert team provides tailored treatment plans, combining therapy and support to help you manage symptoms and regain control of your life. Start your path to peace and wellness with our compassionate care today.

Specific mental conditions characterized by intense fear or worry and unease are referred to as anxiety disorders. That is an actual, grave medical ailment. You could get perspiring and restless, and have a quick heartbeat.

It is acknowledged as the most prevalent of mental illnesses by the American Psychiatric Association (APA). It affects about thirty percent of adults at some time in their lives. Most anxious people have a hereditary predisposition to develop this disorder.

If you realize that anxiety prevents you from leading the fullest life you can, you need to seek professional help. We Level Up Palm Beach Florida treatment center offers the most effective anxiety disorder therapy.

Anxiety Disorder Types

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

People with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) exhibit exaggerated worry or anxiety for a period of over at least six months. In many spheres of their lives, including social relationships, education, and employment, fear and anxiety can be quite problematic. A generalized anxiety disorder can take over your life and frequently persists for a very long time. You can, however, learn to better control your anxiety and resume a regular life with the help of several treatments available for generalized anxiety disorder.

How can generalized anxiety disorder be treated most effectively? Among the best GAD therapies is CBT. Offerings of CBT and self-help can come in a number of forms: You take your time working through a CBT workbook or computer course. With help from a therapist you visit every one to two weeks, you work through a CBT workbook or computer course. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is also used as a psychological treatment for generalized anxiety disorder.

Panic Disorder

Recurrent, unexpected panic attacks are a feature of panic disorder. Moreover, these panic attacks are brief episodes of extreme terror that last for a few minutes. An unexpected object or circumstance can set off an attack.

Syndromes Associated With Phobias

An extreme fear of particular things or circumstances is known as a phobia. Though there are situations where anxiety is understandable, phobia sufferers experience an excessive amount of terror.

Social Anxiety

Anxiety and discomfort about being humiliated, looked down on, and embarrassed in social situations characterize a person with social anxiety disorder. Those who suffer from this condition will either try to stay out of the circumstance or deal with it extremely anxious.

How much social anxiety disorder interferes with your daily functioning determines the therapies for it. Medications, psychotherapy (often referred to as psychological counseling or talk therapy), or both, are the most often prescribed treatments for social anxiety disorder.

Separation Anxiety 

Separation anxiety disorder is characterized by extreme concern or worry over being apart from the people one is attached to. Because the emotion is beyond what is reasonable for the individual’s age, functioning is being hampered. A person suffering from separation anxiety disorder could be constantly concerned about losing the person who is closest to them.

Illness Anxiety

The illness anxiety disorder, also known as hypochondriasis, is an exaggerated fear of having or developing a serious undetected medical illness. Illness anxiety disorder patients have ongoing worry or fear of getting or having a major medical condition even in the face of normal physical examination and laboratory test findings. Those with illness anxiety disorder mistake common physical sensations as warning signs of serious illness. Usually, illness anxiety disorder lasts a lifetime.

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What Causes Anxiety Disorder?

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) notes that while the precise causes of anxiety disorders are unknown, a combination of environmental and genetic variables are probably involved in their development. A number of variables, including heredity, brain chemistry, emotional health, stressors or environmental circumstances, etc., can all affect an anxiety disorder, including:

  • Certain drugs: Some medicines are meant to mask or lessen specific anxiety symptoms. Use of drugs and alcohol frequently coexists with anxiety disorder.
  • Medical disorders: Anxiety disorders can in symptoms resemble certain heart, lung, and thyroid illnesses, which can worsen anxiety symptoms. As well, this causes unease and difficulty focusing.
  • Brain chemistry: According to some studies, anxiety disorders are associated with malfunctioning brain circuits that regulate emotions and fear.That basically results in panic disorder.
  • Genetic: Anxiety disorders can run in families. It is inconclusive, though.
  • Stress from the surroundings: This is about tense situations you have witnessed or experienced. It might also cause issues sleeping.

What are Anxiety Disorder Symptoms?

The primary sign of an anxiety disorder is excessive fear or worry. Anxiety problems can make it difficult to breathe, sleep, sit still, and focus. The particular symptoms you experience depend on the sort of anxiety condition you have. For example:

  • Sleep troubles
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Shortness of breath
  • Heart palpitations
  • Dry mouth
  • Nausea
  • Repeatedly thinking about a subject and being unable to stop.
  • Panic, fear, and unease.
  • feelings of fright, disaster, or danger
  • Intensive or obsessive avoidance of fearful objects or locations

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How to Treat Anxiety Disorder?

Intense inpatient anxiety disorder treatment can be quite beneficial in dealing with the vicious cycle of emotional discomfort that anxiety causes. Anxiety is tough to treat. However, with appropriate professional therapies, the individual should be able to address the basis of their problem.

Anxiety disorder treatment is most effective when combined with therapy and anti-anxiety medicines. Similarly, co-occurring integrated mental health therapy is one of the most effective treatment options for complex anxiety disorders with two or more secondary diagnoses. Research suggests that individuals with anxiety disorders require treatment for all underlying issues to properly heal. If an anxiety condition is treated while the secondary disorder is left untreated, it will result in more difficulties than solutions.

Anxiety Disorder Medication

Clinical trials have demonstrated the effectiveness of benzodiazepines, serotonin reuptake inhibitors, serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, and buspirone. These medications appear to be most effective when taken on a regular basis over several months.

Anxiety Disorder Natural Treatment

Anxiety treatment without medication (natural treatment for anxiety disorders) is possible and effective. People should consult with a trained physician to address their unique concerns about medication and anxiety disorders, as well as treatment alternatives.

Exercise can help manage anxiety symptoms and, in certain cases, may even replace other forms of treatment. A 2018 systematic review and meta-analysis suggest that aerobic exercise, particularly high-intensity exercise, may be especially beneficial.

a woman sitting in a corner
What is the best way to treat anxiety disorder?

Psychotherapy is an extremely effective treatment for anxiety. The American Psychological Association emphasizes that therapy is often more beneficial than medicine. This is because psychotherapy allows individuals to discuss their anxiety, examine coping techniques, and work through situations that contribute to their anxiety.

Support groups can help those with anxiety feel less alone. They may also provide practical advice on how to identify the correct provider, talk to loved ones about their anxiety, or navigate the process of getting employment adjustments.

Diet and nutrition modification. Some people find that adjusting their diet relieves anxiety. Consider drinking less alcohol.

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a novel anxiety treatment that uses magnets to generate a small electrical current in the brain. This current may cause the release of neurotransmitters that reduce anxiety or alter how the brain processes anxiety. Doctors aren’t really sure how it works.

Anxiety may be reduced by using stress alleviation practices. The best approach depends on the individual and the type of worry. For example, people who are nervous about their jobs may find that the correct organizing structure alleviates their worry of missing a deadline, but people who are anxious at home alone at night may invest in an alarm system or adopt a dog.

For more information on how to get the right treatment, don’t hesitate to contact our expert team.

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Seek Efficient Anxiety Treatment

If you or a loved one suffers from a serious anxiety disorder, seeking professional help may be important. To learn more, contact us now at the We Level Up Palm Beach FL Treatment Facility, where doctors and medical professionals are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week for life-changing and long-lasting recovery. We can give you a better opportunity to return to a full and productive life.

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[1] American Psychiatric Association (APA)– /treatment plan for separation anxiety disorder pdf

[2] Psychiatric Times – generalized anxiety disorder

[3] Anxiety and Depression Association of America – / anxiety disorder treatment center

[4]  Bandelow B, Michaelis S, Wedekind D. Treatment of anxiety disorders. Dialogues Clin Neurosci. 2017 Jun;19(2):93-107. doi: 10.31887/DCNS.2017.19.2/bbandelow. PMID: 28867934; PMCID: PMC5573566.

[5] NIMH – treatments for anxiety disorder / adjustment disorder with anxiety treatment plan

[6] Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors – National Center for Biotechnology InformationU.S. National Library of Medicine

[7] ‘Treatment Anxiety Disorder’ – National Institute Of Mental Health (

[8] Psychopharmacology of anxiety disorders – National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine

[9]  Products – Data Briefs – Number 379 – September 2020 ( Depression – National Institute of Mental Health

[10] Coping with Stress – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention