Alcohol as a Coping Mechanism

Using alcohol as a coping mechanism is a risky behavior as it can lead to alcohol dependence and addiction.

You had a stressful day. Maybe work was overwhelming, you argued with someone, or you are worried about your finances. You decide to reach for a drink to unwind. It helps you forget about everything for a little while. However, when you do this often, it becomes a habit. Sooner or later, you start relying on alcohol as a coping mechanism. We Level Up Palm Beach FL will show you why using alcohol as a coping mechanism does way more harm than good. It might lead you to addiction, and health problems, and prevent you from dealing with stress in a way that works. Learn about the risks, the importance of professional help, and how you can handle the pressures and difficulties of life.

Why You Use Alcohol as a Coping Mechanism

When something bad happens, you are anxious or feel stressed, you think of alcohol as a solution. It looks like a quick way to feel better. You see it as something that will help you relax. In reality, it creates more issues than it solves. Drinking will prevent you from thinking clearly. You won’t be able to make sound decisions. Eventually, it will become an addiction and you will constantly increase the amount you drink to get the same effect.

alcohol as a coping mechanism banner image with a man and a beer bottle

Society and the culture you grew up in influence how you see alcohol, too. Drinking is a normal part of social life in many places. It is everywhere: movies, TV shows, advertisements… You don’t hear much about how harmful it is. You just accept it as a way to have fun, celebrate, or deal with problems. You have many friends who drink, probably. When you are surrounded by people who use alcohol, it is hard to stay away from it. It is just a part of daily life and a way to bond with others. In fact, you might feel like you are missing out or not fitting in if you don’t drink.

How to Stop Using Alcohol as a Coping Mechanism

You first need to realize and accept that your relationship with alcohol is unhealthy. You will know you have a problem if you:

  • Drink more than you planned
  • Crave it strongly even if you are not stressed or upset
  • Start neglecting your responsibilities just to drink
  • Need more amount to get the same feeling
  • Feel anxious, shaky, or sick when you don’t drink

Do you recognize these? Consider developing healthy coping strategies and seeking professional help. Instead of using alcohol as coping mechanism, you should:

  • Do physical activities to reduce stress and feel better
  • Meditate to stay calm and focused
  • Take up hobbies that will keep you away from drinking
  • Talk to your friends and family when you feel lonely

Your loved ones will help you greatly. However, you also need professionals who understand your situation and can help you identify what makes you drink. This will then help you avoid triggers. A therapist will help you with your coping skills, as well. During a therapy session at our mental health center, you will be in a safe space where nobody will judge you. You will talk about your feelings openly.

Our facility will give you holistic treatment in Palm Beach. Besides therapy and counseling, we will give you medical care to manage your withdrawal symptoms. To make the treatment complete, we use techniques like yoga and meditation. Practicing these mindfulness activities will help you stay relaxed and have a clear mind.

A group of people making a toast with wine
Drinking is a part of culture in many places. This might make you think that using alcohol as a coping mechanism is a good idea.

Alcohol as a Coping Mechanism for Anxiety

Feeling worried at all times will impact your whole life. At times, you won’t be able to deal with it. That’s when you think about using alcohol as a coping mechanism. It might seem like a good way to escape from reality and get some relief. When you drink, you reduce feelings of stress and worry. Alcohol can do this by affecting your central nervous system. The feeling you get will be good, but, it will cease very quickly. Moreover, you will face long-term consequences. Drinking will:

  • Increase your anxiety when the effects of alcohol wear off
  • Make you addicted as you start to rely on alcohol
  • Harm your liver, heart, and cause health problems
  • Worsen your mental health
A person drinking alone, using alcohol as a coping mechanism
Using alcohol as a coping mechanism is harmful.

How Anxiety Treatment Will Help You

Instead of making your condition worse, you should rather join our anxiety disorder treatment. We will treat your anxiety disorder using medications like Benzodiazepines, serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SRIs)
serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), and buspirone.

Besides medications, we use psychotherapy. Besides medications, we use psychotherapy. You will talk about your anxiety, work through anxiety-provoking events, and acquire coping mechanisms in psychotherapy. These private consultations are an excellent means for you to discuss your emotions and gain a deeper understanding of who you are. Additionally, you’ll join support groups. You’ll be able to talk to individuals who get you and receive support from others going through similar things.

Alcohol as a Coping Mechanism for Depression

Alcohol is a depressant. This means that it will make your negative emotions stronger. You will be more fatigued and hopeless. This is why using alcohol as a coping mechanism for depression is not the right way to go. You might feel a bit better for a few moments. However, you will end up being even sadder.

Also, alcohol can alter the balance of chemicals in your brain that are essential for maintaining a stable mood. This can lead to increased feelings of depression and anxiety over time.

When you rely on alcohol to cope with depression, you prevent yourself from developing healthier ways to manage your emotions. You should rather look for solutions that work.

A depressed person thinking about using alcohol as a coping mechanism
Many people start using alcohol as a coping mechanism for depression.

Depression Prevalence in Palm Beach

In 2019, 12.4% of people in Palm Beach County reported being diagnosed with a depressive disorder. Florida counts even more people. 17.7% of adults across the state reported being diagnosed with a depressive disorder.

Unfortunately, many of these people start using alcohol as a coping mechanism for depression. Even though it might be tough to give up drinking, you should know that there are real solutions to your condition.

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No matter past therapy challenges, our dedicated therapists provide unwavering support. Our compassionate behavioral health specialists are committed to standing by your side through it all. When you are prepared to take the next step or want guidance on counseling to transform your life, reach out. We will help guide you to the resources you need for support. There is no pressure or obligation. Call our confidential hotline today.

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Effective Treatment Options

At our center, we use cognitive behavioral therapy and dialectical behavior therapy. Why are they so effective? With CBT, you will realize the negative thought patterns and behaviors. Our therapist will guide you and help you understand them. Then, you will change them and work together to start thinking positively. DBT will help you find a balance between acceptance and change. You will learn how to accept your current state while also working to improve yourself.

If you are struggling with severe depression, we might use medication for depression treatment in Palm Beach. They will help reduce symptoms and prepare you for effective therapy. Therapy can be in a group setting, too. It includes family programs and support groups. We use them because they are the way you connect with others who know what you are going through.

A person talking to a therapist
Seek professional help instead of using alcohol as a coping mechanism.

Alcohol as a Coping Mechanism for Stress

Our daily lives are full of stress. Your job, your school, even your relationship – they can all give you something to stress about. When you are stressed, having a drink might make you feel better. It will help you relax and have a good time. However, this time is short. Also, once the effects of alcohol wear off, your stress often returns, sometimes even stronger. Again, you will want to drink to get some relief. Repeat this multiple times and you will become tolerant of alcohol. You will need to drink more to get the effects you want. This is how addiction develops.

What started as a way to feel calmer is now chronic alcohol use. Soon, you might develop liver disease and cardiovascular problems. In fact, you might cause mental health problems and have to struggle both with that and addiction. When this happens, you need dual diagnosis treatment in Palm Beach Florida. You will get help from professionals who will address both conditions and help you develop healthy ways to cope with life’s challenges.

Ryan Zofay forming a circle and hugging friends.

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There Are Healthier Ways to Cope with Mental Health Issues

Using alcohol as a coping mechanism won’t solve anything. It will just create new problems. It will make you addicted, worsen your mental health, and harm your body. The relief you believe it gives you will just lead to more stress. Instead, practice mindfulness, do physical activity, learn how to relax without substances, and seek help. Therapy will give you the tools and strategies you need to manage stress healthily.

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