We Level Up Palm Beach Mental Health Facility Location, Programs, Therapies & Activities

We Level Up Palm Beach FL Mental Health Facility Location

Search for inpatient mental health facilities near me, we can help. We Level Up’s Palm Beach, FL, inpatient mental health treatment programs deliver elegant amenities and world-class treatment options for depression, anxiety, OCDS, ADD, and many more complex mental health disorders.

We Level Up Palm Beach FL Mental Health Treatment Center (preferred name)

The official company name is 1017 N Olive, LLC dba We Level Up Palm Beach Treatment Center.

Location: 1017 N Olive Ave, West Palm Beach, FL 33401

Phone: (888) 680-7311

We Level Up Palm Beach FL Mental Health Facility Map

A proud member of the We Level Up Treatment Centers Network.

We Level Up Palm Beach FL Photos & Video

We Level Up Palm Beach Therapies & Activities

Self-Esteem Therapy

At We Level Up Palm Beach Mental Health Center, our facilitators lead a dynamic 6-week rotation of exercises centered on “getting to know me.” These sessions delve into the distinction between perception and authentic self, emphasizing the risks of living in a dichotomy. Through these exercises, individuals work on fostering positive self-imagery and draw inspiration from excerpts from The Four Agreements to maintain a positive and focused mindset.

Recovery Coach Group Therapy

Participants are introduced to the initial three steps of anonymous groups, along with a brief overview of SMART recovery principles and essential tools for maintaining sobriety post-residential treatment. Recovery Coaches provide independent workbook assignments, individually reviewed weekly, to underscore the significance of accountability partners in the recovery journey, laying the groundwork for understanding sponsorship.

Psychodrama Part 1 and 2

Our action group incorporates spontaneous dramatization, including role-playing and dramatic self-presentation, to explore and gain insights into personal challenges. Utilizing techniques such as the “empty chair,” writing exercises, and acting out specific scenarios, individuals address unresolved issues stemming from past trauma that impact their present lives.

Orientation Group

Newly admitted clients undergo an orientation rotation, encompassing program familiarization, handbook review, basic infection control, and an overview of facility policies, procedures, and the grievance process.

Art Therapy

Art therapy and traditional talking therapy provide a platform for exploring underlying issues through various mediums such as painting, sculpting, acting, and crafts.

Case Manager / Progress Groups

Weekly small process groups allow therapists to conduct private meetings with individuals on their caseloads, discussing progress, challenges, and future planning. Case managers also participate in these groups, fostering intimate interactions with assigned individuals.

12-Step Integration

Our program offers an opportunity to integrate the principles of the 12 steps into everyday life. By focusing on “living well” rather than solely adhering to the self-help model, we challenge resistance to the 12-step approach.

Group Therapy

We implement split groups to provide a safe environment for clients to address sensitive topics that may be challenging in more extensive group settings.

Music Therapy

Music therapy is a tool for channeling inner turmoil and shifting mood. Our facilitators select songs or invite clients to share songs that evoke thoughts, feelings, and emotions, fostering discussion within the group.

Medical Education

Our sessions emphasize the importance of medication management and continuity of medication post-discharge, along with educating on infection control, HIV/STD awareness, and handwashing hygiene/COVID precautions.

Yoga Therapy

Yoga sessions led by experienced instructors offer a variety of physical stretches, chair exercises, and mindfulness techniques tailored to individual mind/body wellness levels.

Life Skills Activities

We emphasize the significance of having fun in recovery and reintegrating into positive social environments. Topics include the importance of routine, structure, and living a fulfilling life in recovery.

CBT Integration

Through various cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) techniques, participants explore automatic negative thoughts and catastrophic language, learning strategies to transform negative thought patterns into positive outcomes and healthier responses to situations.

EMDR Therapy

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy, developed by Francine Shapiro, is employed to aid individuals who have experienced trauma, including those with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This structured eight-phase approach involves guided recall of distressing memories while simultaneously focusing on external stimuli, facilitating processing these memories.

Recovery Activities May Include:

  • Art therapy.
  • Yoga therapy.
  • Recreational therapy.
  • Corn hole.
  • Basketball.
  • Karaoke.
  • Board games.
  • Reiki.
  • Med Pass.
  • Sound therapy.
  • Ice cream parties.
  • Pizza nights.
  • Outdoor BBQ.
  • TV in each room.
  • Guided mediation.
  • Ping pong.

Comprehensive Case Management Services

  • Pending legal matters.
  • FMLA – Family Medical Leave Act.
  • Discharge Planning.
  • Letters of presence, treatment verification letters, or treatment provider letters.
  • DUI.
  • HIV awareness.
  • Marchman Act.
  • Relapse Prevention.
  • Dietitian. 
  • H&I.
  • Short-term disability assistance with a case manager.
  • Assistance with COBRA.
  • Wellness coach.
  • Other matters as needed.

Ensuring Quality Care for Your Loved Ones or Yourself

  • 24/7 Care: We provide round-the-clock supervision in a safe and secure setting to ensure continuous monitoring and optimal care.
  • Expert Therapy: Benefit from personalized individual and group therapy sessions to support your recovery and wellness journey.
  • Medication Management: Our dedicated medical staff is here to oversee and manage your medication, ensuring the best results with minimum side effects.
  • Recreational Activities: Healing is holistic. Participate in our therapeutic recreational activities promoting mental health restoration and resilience.

Let’s conquer mental health disorders together.

First-class Facility & Amenities

Experience World-Class, High-Quality Mental Health Services at Our Serene Private Facilities.

We Level Up Palm Beach FL’s recovery success prospects are supported by mental health professionals with a history of excellence:

  • 15+ Years Management
  • 100s of 5-Star Network Reviews
  • 10K+ Recovery Stories
  • Lower Patient-to-Therapist-Ratio
  • Complete Integrated Dual-Diagnosis Therapy
  • Complimentary Family & Alumni Therapy
  • Alumni Coaching, Recovery & Personal Development Events

Improve Your Life

Embark on a free call to our behavioral health program advisors. Explore our dual-diagnosis mental health rehab programs. Each We Level Up treatment center network facility specializes in specific recovery counseling. Call to feel & get better.

  • Individualized Care
  • Attentive Accountable Team
  • First-class Amenities
  • Licensed & Accredited
  • Recognized 5-Star Network

We’ll Call You